Jan Erik Nielsen
Jan Erik Nielsen started the topic MP3 Musical key vs key in pdf lead sheet ? in the forum Saxophone Lessons 2 years, 4 months ago
Hello fellow saxophonist 🙂
I am new here and enjoy the large number of lessons, playback session etc. I play the tenor, and have been loking into “Sea Cruise” which is a funny and happy song to play and sing. However i fail to understand the keys in the mp3 – vs the key in the tenor pdf – do they really match – or do i have to transpose.
Thank…[Read more]
Jan Erik Nielsen replied to the topic Paid for Sax Academy but no access instructions email received in the forum Registration or Download Issues 2 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I just bougth the 27$ monthly program – and i recieved credentials and i can find the coupon code fordownloads.
However, the coupon code does not work, properly, or i need further instructions 🙂
Can you help ?