Robert Hutchinson
Robert Hutchinson started the topic I would love to have a backing track and accompanying score sheet for alto sax in the forum General Questions 5 years, 4 months ago
Johnny, I would love to have a backing track and accompanying score sheet for alto sax “Zombie” by the cranberries. I love that song and have heard it played with both alto and tenor. I have an alto. Hopefully, you may be able to do that sometime? I would pay for it even though I have a premium membership. It is that important to me.
Robert Hutchinson replied to the topic login to premium? in the forum Premium Access Membership 5 years, 6 months ago
Same here, Johnny. I signed up for premium today and paid through PayPal but have no premium profile.
Robert Hutchinson started the topic What is the best playback device for tracks? in the forum General Questions 5 years, 6 months ago
What are you all using for the playback tracks? Laptop? MP3 Player? or something better?
Robert Hutchinson started the topic Hello from upstate New York in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 6 months ago
I am an avid Bach Trumpet player and on my bucket list is to learn the piano and the saxophone. Well, I am taking lessons for both at the moment. I have a new P. Mauriat System 76 2nd. edition with rose-colored or cognac dark lacquer. It is an Alto sax. I am about four weeks into my lessons and having the time of my life. The fingerings are fairly…[Read more]