sxpoet started the topic My Green Oak Tree in the forum Your Video 4 months, 2 weeks ago
sxpoet replied to the topic My Green Oak Tree in the forum Recording Your Saxophone 4 months, 3 weeks ago
I’ve now added the Guitar Chords to my music sheet, which is in the Piano Section, so now i plan to record the guitar chords as my 1st track as this will give me the rhythm timing (as i don’t have a drum track), then i can add the Alto afterwards.
sxpoet started the topic Transposing in the forum Music Theory 4 months, 3 weeks ago
I know how to transpose music to different instruments ie C on the Alto is Eb on the piano etc..
But when it comes to copying the Alto to Piano copying gets confusing as i’m not sure which Eb to use on the Piano Sheet.
So to help me i created a Score Sheet… -
sxpoet replied to the topic My Green Oak Tree in the forum Recording Your Saxophone 4 months, 3 weeks ago
I think it’s in F# harmonic minor on the Alto, but i left it in C major as i wrote and sung the lyrics first on a blank sheet, then added the notes to the sheet as i went along – which is easier to write down.Now i’ve got to add the guitar chords to the sheet in Concert key by ear to find which chords sound the best, which will be trial…[Read more]
sxpoet replied to the topic My Green Oak Tree in the forum Recording Your Saxophone 4 months, 3 weeks ago
had to correct the sheet in bar 11
sxpoet started the topic My Green Oak Tree in the forum Recording Your Saxophone 4 months, 3 weeks ago
my 1st attempt at song writing
sxpoet replied to the topic Maybe I’m Amazed, Paul McCartney tenor sax cover by Leo Salu in the forum Your Video 4 months, 4 weeks ago
very nice Leo!! I need to get back on track, with practicing.
sxpoet replied to the topic Dorito in the forum Saxophone Tips 5 months, 1 week ago
Clarinets similar to wind instruments like the saxophone that use reeds, anyone playing the clarinet will tell if you want to play higher up the clarinet you must use a stronger reed otherwise it’s a lot harder to get a decent sound, that’s not going squeak a lot and sound very thin and dropping out.
Clarinets play overtones as well, but i find…[
sxpoet replied to the topic Fly Me to the Moon, tenor sax cover by Leo Salu in the forum Your Video 5 months, 1 week ago
That’s one of the first songs i learned to play from memory with the backing track years ago, even now i can still remember how to play the main parts of it.
I find the hardest part of trying to remember how to play any tune is the solo section as solo sections tend to go outside of the main melody and some solo sections get too technical when…[Read more]
sxpoet replied to the topic Dorito in the forum Saxophone Tips 5 months, 1 week ago
Transposing raises another interesting point – looking at all of my Alto sheets, the highest they go is altissimo G, so it’s worthwhile at least mastering Altissimo G on the Alto but going higher up does improve how altissimo G is played.
Like it or not, a stronger reed makes altissimo easier to play. Also a wider mouthpiece on the Alto makes it…[Read more]
sxpoet replied to the topic Dorito in the forum Saxophone Tips 5 months, 1 week ago
i wanted to buy cubase many years ago, but it was out of my price range back then and still is , also i couldn’t justify spending that amount for the small number of recordings that i do. So i bought logic pro years ago as that was more affordable. Logic pro is far better than garage band – more bells and whistles ie things you can do in logic pro…[Read more]
sxpoet replied to the topic Dorito in the forum Saxophone Tips 5 months, 1 week ago
i wanted to buy cubase many years ago, but it was out of my price range back then and still is , also i couldn’t justify spending that amount for the small number of recordings that i do. So i bought logic pro years ago as that was more affordable. Logic pro is far better than garage band – more bells and whistles ie things you can do in logic pro…[Read more]
sxpoet replied to the topic Fly Me to the Moon, tenor sax cover by Leo Salu in the forum Your Video 5 months, 1 week ago
well played Leo!
sxpoet started the topic Dorito in the forum Saxophone Tips 5 months, 2 weeks ago
i bought Finale Software years ago, specifically to create and print off my own music sheets.
Then this year the Finale decided to stop maintaining their software, merged with Steinberg forcing users to switch to Steinberg’s Dorito software at a discounted price.So i bought the Dorito software at a discounted price and had to convert all of my…[Read more]
sxpoet replied to the topic Sunny, tenor sax cover by Leo Salu in the forum Your Video 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Well played Leo. Good to see you back uploading again!!
sxpoet replied to the topic its not unusual in the forum Share a Video 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Another well known saying – don’t come to conclusions about someone until you’ve walked in their shoes.
personally i’d rather sing any song without having to go through the ordeal of experiencing what the songwriter is conveying.
sxpoet started the topic its not unusual in the forum Share a Video 5 months, 3 weeks ago
sxpoet replied to the topic Beatlin' Music Theory Ya 🙂 in the forum Music Theory 6 months ago
Circle of Life – each new western generation wouldn’t be seen dead associating with dads’ old generation style of music and dress – bad for their street cred.
to make a lot of money in music, you have to move with the times and play what the masses want and not what you want, everyone wants a quick shortcut to fame so they can mass produce their…[Read more]
sxpoet replied to the topic Beatlin' Music Theory Ya 🙂 in the forum Music Theory 6 months ago
Heavy going these documentaries….no disrespect intended, it’s like reading autobiographies – i have to be a genuine fan of a person to take time out to read their autobiography.
sxpoet replied to the topic Beatlin' Music Theory Ya 🙂 in the forum Music Theory 6 months ago
Welcome back saxomonica !
Theirs no better Load than an Upload.
Fives Rules of Upload – Sax out, Deep breath, Practice, Record, Upload.
The natives are getting restless awaiting your performance.
Anyway good to see you rattling the forums again, May the Force be with you.
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