Keith Taylor
Keith Taylor started the topic "Merry Christmas Baby" Do you all have any idea who plays the sax solo in this? in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 3 months ago
…it starts at around the 2:40 mark and sounds great? Can’t find anything on Wikipedia about who played sax for Charles Brown, though. Johnny, I thought you may recognize their sound if anybody would due to blues/rock saxophone being your thing. Any idea?
Keith Taylor started the topic Aubra Graves on Alto Circa 1993 (With My Local Sax Teacher: Mace Hibbard) in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 3 months ago
I’m a huge Aubra Graves fan so I subscribe to the channel featuring his playing on Youtube. Earlier I saw a notification that a new video had been posted to it, so, I immediately clicked on it to watch / listen to it. Well, I was fixing dinner in the kitchen, so I really was pretty much just listening. Once finished I sent a link to it to my sax…[Read more]
Keith Taylor started the topic Could A Traffic Cone Be The Answer To Getting That Special Sound? in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 3 months ago
Maybe extending out the bell of your horn with a traffic cone could give you that magic sound like it did for that guy:
In all seriousness, I think what they’re doing is pretty freakin’ cool, even though I have no desire to play in that style myself. It’s similar to the guy from Too Many Zooz.
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Vandoren V16 Metal Tenor Sax Mouthpiece T7 in the forum Mouthpieces 7 years, 3 months ago
Brother Cavefish,
Up until recently getting a great deal on a Link STM that plays great, I’d had my eye out for one of these (metal V16 medium chamber T7) at a good price too. The price on one with the Optimum Ligature is close to $400 here in the USA.
Well, I’m a memeber of a Sax Equipment Sales Group on Facebook and earlier today a guy…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic M Hemp Fiberreed vs. MS Onyx Fiberrreed? in the forum Reeds 7 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the input, Johnny. I’d mentioned about trying a ligature designed to give a darker sound to try and mellow out the brighter nature of the Carbon Onyx reed on the Otto Link STM I recently picked up. I can play my normal Hemke reeds, a ZZ Jazz, and even tried an orange box Rico 2.5 on it today, and they all gave me the more mellow /…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic M Hemp Fiberreed vs. MS Onyx Fiberrreed? in the forum Reeds 7 years, 3 months ago
Thought I’d report back here after having received my medium Carbon Onyx reed from Johnny and playing it for a few days. I – REALLY- like it.
Oddly, it’s not nearly as stiff as I remember the medium hemp reed being before I sanded on it some. And Johnny says the medium Carbon Onyx plays about like a #3 Java to him, but to me, it’s not that…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic M Hemp Fiberreed vs. MS Onyx Fiberrreed? in the forum Reeds 7 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the insight everybody! I should add that this whole setup thing has been an interesting journey so far. I say this because when I first bought my tenor, I was all about a brighter sound. Thus being why I bought a T75 Jumbo Java and liked the Java Greens and their buzz. It’s was kind of like a poor-mans Guardalla or Theo Wanne Shiva…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic M Hemp Fiberreed vs. MS Onyx Fiberrreed? in the forum Reeds 7 years, 4 months ago
…and please excuse the multiple spelling and type-o’s in that. I should have proofed it before I posted it, and now can’t figure out how to edit or delete it to repost.
Keith Taylor started the topic M Hemp Fiberreed vs. MS Onyx Fiberrreed? in the forum Reeds 7 years, 4 months ago
So, I just received my new Onyx MS Fibberreed from Johnny on Saturday, and have practiced only with it for the past four days, with the exception of putting my Hemp one on for comparison.
Overall, I’m excited about the new Onyx one because the Hemp one always felt a little too stiff for me, thus being why I ordered the Onxy in MS. What I…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Jimmy Forrest: Out Of The Forrest in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 7 months ago
You’re welcome y’all – and I’m glad you all dug his sound too. He was a totally new name to me when “I’ve Got A Right To Cry” played on Pandora. I looked him up and was surprised to read that he was the first person to record Night Train – which is a song I’ve known since I was in first or second grade (and have always liked) due to the movie Back…[Read more]
Keith Taylor started the topic Jimmy Forrest: Out Of The Forrest in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 7 months ago
Some inspiration for ya’ll:
This is the latest tenor saxophonist that I can’t seem to get enough of. His sound and style are the bee’s knees to me. If you’re into more chill jazz that doesn’t sound like it’s on meth – like Charlie Parker and other Bebop artist – this is an excellent bebop free album – aside from “Crash Program.” Not sure what…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Sax Harness Suggestions? in the forum General Questions 7 years, 10 months ago
I’m commenting again to give credit where credit is due:
I sent an email to Walker and Williams – the company that makes the harness I had that broke while I was practicing – and told them exactly had happened. This morning I first woke up to a notification from Amazon that my money for it had been refunded, and then I saw this reply to my email…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Purple Logo Yamaha's? & "The 10 Most Important Saxophone Models & Their Players" in the forum General Questions 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks y’all!
I have no intetion of trying to buy a Purple Logo Yamaha right now , though. Because. Well, my local Sam Ash music had the used Cannonball Big Bell Global Series that was in good shape (that had belonged to one of their employee’s) for sale for $1800. I played it along with a brand new Yamaha Custom Z tenor, a new P Mauriat tenor -…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Sax Harness Suggestions? in the forum General Questions 7 years, 10 months ago
Ok, so I ended up ordering the Jazz Lab Sax holder due to Peter recommending it here, and also a couple of other people in a saxophone Facebook group that I posted the same question in. It should be here on Wednesday, and hopefully, it will work well for me too.
As far as other solutions go for those with chronic back / neck pain goes. Even…[Read more]
Keith Taylor started the topic Sax Harness Suggestions? in the forum General Questions 7 years, 10 months ago
I have back issues, so pretty early on after having bought my Cannonball Big Bell Global Series tenor – I bought a Walker and Williams harness to where while practicing. For those of you that don’t know – I’m not sure if it’s all Cannonball horns – but the model I own is significantly heavier than most tenors.
So, earlier today while I was in the…[Read more]
Keith Taylor started the topic Purple Logo Yamaha's? & "The 10 Most Important Saxophone Models & Their Players" in the forum General Questions 7 years, 10 months ago
Who can tell me what makes a purple logo yamaha more desirable than one that doesn’t have a purple logo? I assume the earlier ones had a purple logo prior to a certain year? What year would that have been?
Also, here is an article I found really interesting that talks about the ten most important model saxophones – key characteristics of each…[Read more]