Keith Taylor
Keith Taylor started the topic Sad News: Mr. Aubra Graves has passed. in the forum Share a Video 4 years, 7 months ago
Some of you may have never heard of him, and some of you may adore the sound of his playing, just as I do, but, I just learned from a friend that knew him and was inspired to play sax because of Mr. Graves, that Aubra Graves has passed away. This is a truly great loss for those that play sax, because his sound and playing was every bit as good as…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic What A Wonderful World (Annual Wedding Anniversary Project For My Wife) in the forum Recording Your Saxophone 4 years, 11 months ago
Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out y’all. Really need to be practicing more, but it did come out okay considering how much time I put into learning the song.
Best to you all in these crazy times.
Keith Taylor started the topic What A Wonderful World (Annual Wedding Anniversary Project For My Wife) in the forum Recording Your Saxophone 4 years, 11 months ago
I had planned on doing Johnny’s take on “Stand By Me” this year for my wife, but as our anniversary approached and I just couldn’t bring myself to practice as I needed to for it, I ended up doing What A Wonderful instead. I was already familiar with it, new it was pretty simple, and hoped that it would lift my spirits some, whereas I felt Stand By…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Kansas City Multimedia Anniversary Card For My Wife in the forum Your Video 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks so much for the kind words y’all. I do appreciate them, and realize I’m pretty hard of myself regarding a lot of things music included. I am enjoying playing – and the process of getting better though. Regarding comparing my playing to guys like Johnny. To me, I feel I’d be doing myself a disservice not to. I get what you all mean, but it’s…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Kansas City Multimedia Anniversary Card For My Wife in the forum Your Video 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks y’all. I appreciate you all taking the time to check it out.
And Michael, my mix may very well be off. I did deliberetly back off the volume a bit on my track due to feeling like maybe should blend it in more due to me feeling like my intonation and playing was a bit off.
It shouldnt be as bad as i think it may he coming across on y…[Read more]
Keith Taylor started the topic Kansas City Multimedia Anniversary Card For My Wife in the forum Your Video 5 years, 11 months ago
Hey y’all. Haven’t been very active here on the forum due to reasons I mention in this video. This is the best I was able to get Johnny’s version of Kansas City by this past Thursday, which is when I had to record this. It is the third of a yearly series I’m doing for my wife, Julia, for our wedding anniversary each year. There is still lots and l…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Kansas City Trill Timing Issues in the forum Repertoire 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for the added insight, Johnny. I plan on recording it on Thursday, so, can’t wait for to the video you plan on doing on it. So, I’m just going to make it sound as good as I can, or figure out something else to do for those first measures on the second page.
Also, can you please clarify what you meant by, “to make it sound right we must…[Read more]
Keith Taylor changed their profile picture 5 years, 11 months ago
Keith Taylor started the topic Kansas City Trill Timing Issues in the forum Repertoire 5 years, 11 months ago
Hey Y’all,
I’m in the process of trying to learn Johnny’s version of Kansas City, and am having trouble getting the timing of my trills down. As in, for the first part it’s called for (bar 44 on the first page) I’ve been playing it where I really don’t trill, but instead left off the G key where I only alternate once before going to the F# and…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Skylark (A Two Year Multi-Media Wedding Anniversary Card For My Wife) in the forum Your Video 6 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for taking the time to check it out, Johnny. I have been really working on my intonation recently, as I really only just realized how of I was on my middle D, which is a key no in the song since it’s what the melody starts on.
As far as me sitting verses standing goes. I actually prefer to stand too. My back often prefers that I sit t…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Skylark (A Two Year Multi-Media Wedding Anniversary Card For My Wife) in the forum Your Video 6 years, 11 months ago
Thanks, William. And here is a pro tip from a non-pro player:
I make it a point not play the song I’ve selected to do for her at all when she is around. I might practice just a short passage I’m working on while she’s here, but nothing to really clue her in on the song or melody.
My thought behind this is that I don’t want her to be absolutely…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Skylark (A Two Year Multi-Media Wedding Anniversary Card For My Wife) in the forum Your Video 6 years, 11 months ago
Thanks y’all!
Johnny, here is a link to the first one:
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Ron Holloway on Sax With Widespread Panic while covering "Use Me." in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 11 months ago
Yes it is, Mel. It’s really interesting to me hearing a sax player swap licks with a guitarist like that when it’s often two guitarists you hear doing it.
Keith Taylor started the topic Skylark (A Two Year Multi-Media Wedding Anniversary Card For My Wife) in the forum Your Video 6 years, 11 months ago
Some of you may remember the project I did for my wife as a one-year anniversary present and shared on here with you all about this time last year. That project was what got me to playing sax again.
Well, here is what I did for our two-year anniversary. I’m still not happy with my playing, mixing, or video editing on it, but, I gave it my best…[Read more]
Keith Taylor started the topic Ron Holloway on Sax With Widespread Panic while covering "Use Me." in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 12 months ago
If you’re a fan of saxophonist, guitarist, jam bands, or Bill Withers, you should check out this video featuring Ron Holloway on sax and Widespread Panic’s Jimmy Hearing jamming back and forth with each other while covering “Use Me.”
Keith Taylor started the topic SaxJohnny Can Sing Too! in the forum Share a Video 7 years ago
Thought some of you may appreciate this video of Johnny being interviewed in which you can hear him singing in it – and he’s got a great sounding voice for rock-a-billy / swing type music too. Reminded me of Big Bad Vodoo Daddy. I am impressed, Johnny. Hats off to you, Sir.
Keith Taylor replied to the topic M Hemp Fiberreed vs. MS Onyx Fiberrreed? in the forum Reeds 7 years, 2 months ago
William, if you have a black cane reed, it sounds like it would be a Rico PlasticCover. I’ve not used them in years – since the 90’s – but they were popular in marching band due to them playing louder, lasting longer, and not being as effected by the weather.
If they’re still the same, the back half of them is a regular cane reed color. But the…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Aubra Graves on Alto Circa 1993 (With My Local Sax Teacher: Mace Hibbard) in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 3 months ago
I’m definitely a fan of Ian’s playing too. Particularly what he post of him playing clarinet, which I’ve recently taken an interest in playing too in regards to New Orleans jazz style. Actually lucked up and bought a Selmer CL300 student level clarinet that is in good playing condition a couple of weeks ago for $20 bucks. Yes. $20. I was…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Aubra Graves on Alto Circa 1993 (With My Local Sax Teacher: Mace Hibbard) in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 3 months ago
Ridge: You had me going nuts trying to figure out what song it was and who it was on the sax. Posted about it on Facebook an got an answer pretty quickly:
That’s Kirk Wahlum playing, “Precious Lord Take My Hand”
And here is another version of the same song – sans sax – that’s…[Read more]
Keith Taylor replied to the topic Aubra Graves on Alto Circa 1993 (With My Local Sax Teacher: Mace Hibbard) in the forum Share a Video 7 years, 3 months ago
I agree, Pete. I can’t get enough of his playing.
Mel: I think so too. Mace sent me the sheet music for it the other day, and I plan on trying to learn it at the first of the year. His written music for it and how he plays it are two different things. His sheet music for it is really pretty simple. Whereas how he plays it is not. I’m going to…[Read more]
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