Gary Tan
Gary Tan started the topic Is the download site down? No response from site support after paid subscription in the forum Registration or Download Issues 1 year, 4 months ago
Is the site down? I’ve paid and subscribed to the $27/month 4 songs download offer by Johnny and paid for it last week. I am having issues with the coupon code field not appearing in the download cart. However I have sent a few emails to the site support but there is no response. Ive tried various browser on different computers to try the d…[Read more]
Gary Tan replied to the topic Coupon Code field is not on my cart page. in the forum Registration or Download Issues 1 year, 4 months ago
Larry, how did you resolved your issue with the coupon code field not appearing on the cart? Ive paid for the $27/month to download the 4 songs, I was sent the confirmation email from Johnny, but after following the steps as in Johnny”s video to download the video, at the cart page, there is no coupon field to input the coupon code. Thanks.
Gary Tan started the topic Coupon Code field not appearing in the cart in the forum Registration or Download Issues 1 year, 4 months ago
I have gone through some of the discussions for this topic, but I am experiencing the same problem with the “Coupon Code” field not appearing in the cart or checkout section. Not sure how I can get to download the four pieces of music per month. Thanks.