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Fergus O Sullivan

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  • #11911
    Fergus O Sullivan

      Hi Johnny,
      As I would love to get stuck in to the altissimo course along with everyone else I know that I wouldn’t be able to dedicate the practice time to it at the moment, as you said it would need 6-8 months of dedicated practice, my question is, will you be leaving this course up on your site for the future so people can take it up on there own time scale or is it just for a limited time only?
      Kind Regards

      Fergus O Sullivan

        Hey Johnny,
        Downloaded the killer blues pdf about 3 weeks ago but its after disappearing from my PC,
        searched all files & folders but no trace I thought i had it saved in my pdf folder as that’s where i was
        retrieving it from all along, can you send it on again please,
        Thanks Fergus

        Fergus O Sullivan

          Hey Guys,
          I just want to clarify something, I wasn’t dismissing backing tracks by any means when I said ”only me and a backing track”
          If it wasn’t for backing tracks I wouldn’t be gigging around my local bars as they afford me the opportunity to play what I want to,
          I also have the Band In A Box software which enables me to create my own backing tracks to my own specifications so only for them
          I would be lost, also if you make a mistake there’s no one on your case about it because as you say Jim your the band leader!!!!!!!
          So i hope I didn’t come across in the wrong way.

          Regards, Fergus

          Fergus O Sullivan

            Hey Johnny,
            It’s a Yanagisawa ebonite no 6 and I use Vandoren ZZ Jazz # 2 reeds

            Fergus O Sullivan

              I agree totally with tgeorge68, as it’s a Yani T902 I play I get a great tone from the hard rubber mpc that came with mine the only other mpc I’ve tryed
              is a Morgan no 6 which I didn’t like at all, the tone was away too thinny for my liking so I’ve stuck to the Yani mpc and even got a few comments on how nice a tone I had, but not from sax players just regular joe soaps at my gigs!!!!!!!!!!!

              Fergus O Sullivan

                Thanks Telecaster,
                Yea same here since i found this site i got renewed energy and practicing most days, I’m working on Night Train at the minute
                cant wait to get up on stage and blast this out although it’ll be only me and a backing track but what the heck once we’re
                blowing the horn that’s all that matters. What you working on at the moment?

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