Pat Pentland
Pat Pentland replied to the topic White Christmas Embelishments Course in the forum Your Video 4 years, 12 months ago
Hi Johnny, thanks for your reply and no problem that the emails are coming in each spaced a few days apart. The thing I am confused about though is when I try to access the lesson, all I can see are the two videos; one in which you play White Christmas with no embellishments and the other in which you play with them. I don’t actually see a…[Read more]
Pat Pentland started the topic Unable to access the free White Christmas Embellishments lessons? in the forum Registration or Download Issues 4 years, 12 months ago
Hello, I know I new here, just signed up recently and hoping to start the free White Christmas embelishments course. So far I have received 2 email links to the lessons on grace notes and mordents. However, when I click the links in the email, it takes me to a page on the site that shows the 2 videos (before and after embellishments) but there…[Read more]
Pat Pentland replied to the topic White Christmas Embelishments Course in the forum Your Video 4 years, 12 months ago
Hello, I know I am late starting this free White Christmas embelishments course as its now 2020. I have signed up and so far received 2 email links to the lessons on grace notes and mordents. However, when I click the links in the email, it takes me to a page on the site that shows the 2 videos (before and after embellishments) but there does…[Read more]