brother cavefish
brother cavefish replied to the topic from bad to worse in the forum Your Video 6 years, 5 months ago
it is in the category of a ballad right,, your version what catagory would you bring it into
brother cavefish replied to the topic from bad to worse in the forum Your Video 6 years, 5 months ago
i would love to hear your version of misty , sick song, one os the best ballads, also do in a sentimental mood, another sweet slow tune, i love ballads, to me they are the epitomy of saxophone
brother cavefish replied to the topic from bad to worse in the forum Your Video 6 years, 5 months ago
personally i dont know why one would even want to flutter the tongue, use your throat to vibratto
brother cavefish replied to the topic Still can't growl… grrr in the forum General Questions 6 years, 6 months ago
just clear your throat, but with more wind, or make a growling sound
brother cavefish replied to the topic Sunshine in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 7 months ago
great rendition, he switched some key higher notes for lower ones, sweet
brother cavefish replied to the topic Fattening Frogs for Snakes in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 8 months ago
sweet i have all his albums, used to play the harp
brother cavefish replied to the topic Fat sound in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 9 months ago
yea thats FAT, fat is where its at,, i just pulled out my sax and made a quick lick, but dont kow how to get it on here, i dont want to pay for soundcloud cause i really dont use it
brother cavefish replied to the topic Fat sound in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 9 months ago
how does one put a sound clip on here
brother cavefish replied to the topic Fat sound in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 9 months ago
yea Lee Allen is a mean player, he diggs in deep , drags notes and growls ,, this is what i was talking about — this style brings out the animal- you can hear the emotional value in Lee Allen VS the shaky williams combo, that dirty greasy sound is what got me into the tenor sax,, not orchestra music or simple playing.. not a jazz freak either,…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Fat sound in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 9 months ago
not really sure what ripping cloth means, , Johnny has a good style, i think most of his reproductions are very juicy , as far as MP recommendations,one needs to search around to a wide varity of MPs, i have learned what sound i wanted from listening, for me i wanted the dark category , ballads in general are nice, if want rock and roll, it all…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Fat sound in the forum Share a Video 6 years, 9 months ago
honestly, this did not did not do it for me, too bland, yes stiff was a good comment, not very relaxed , my opinion for all its worth, i am not really a fan of tequila anyway , but i feel it was done better by others, actually Johnny did a good version,
brother cavefish replied to the topic Hitting An Overtone Wall in the forum Altissimo Course 6 years, 9 months ago
the altissimo fingering differs on each sax, for me anyway, , i am not really concerned about going too high anyway, for now i am fine with alt G and A
brother cavefish replied to the topic Can't get a stable embouchure in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 9 months ago
i understand , as i explained it is MY way, i am interested in how things work, i wanted a certain sound, lets say stan getz, ballads etc or just certain sounds, i investigated , i like dark wide spread music, basically a bar room environment, not jazz, not classical , most 50s RR, so i found out how things work, but research did not do it…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Can't get a stable embouchure in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 9 months ago
well all advice is profitable, but i would still study how MP,s are made, what baffles do or dont do, how scooped rails work, open /closed throats , how long and short tables work—–in this case it will help one learn how certain music is produced,,, for me i am mechanical so i studied the aspects, of things that interested me, when it came…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Can't get a stable embouchure in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 9 months ago
you would be surprised what different MPs and reeds do, anyway good luck
brother cavefish replied to the topic Can't get a stable embouchure in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 9 months ago
, the yamaha series standard are crap—-Yamaha YAC TS5CM Custom Series Mouthpiece for Tenor Saxophone, is a good start, i have a 7, it is a great MP, for starters ,, if your willing to spend some money, Johannes Gerber is as perfect as one can get, ,,, but you also have to choose the sound your looking for,, i have alot of advice on MPs,…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Can't get a stable embouchure in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 9 months ago
try a bigger opening mouthpiece, i use .98 to 1.10 and i use 2 strength reeds, i can flex/bend my sound and it does not get choked, if i used a stronger reed i would go to my .75 yamaha custom mouthpiece, but its not alot of bending but the opening is big enough to not get choked——— now i play soft and bluesy, i dont need alot of volume ,…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Can't get a stable embouchure in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 9 months ago
it could be the MP, or the reeds,, i find through trying many MPs, that some just work and some just dont, i dont even use a normal embouchure my teeth hardly if ever touch the bite pad– i ended up with a refaced Otto link (d addario select jazz unfiled), Johannes Gerber ( Java green) and woodstone (V16,s) ,-typically , for me anyway , choking…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic richard filion ( musicman ) cornwall ontario canada in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
nothing like starting over i started again at 55, layed low for 20+years
brother cavefish replied to the topic richard filion ( musicman ) cornwall ontario canada in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 9 months ago
did you buy one yet
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