brother cavefish
brother cavefish replied to the topic Fiberreed Carbon ONYX Reeds are awesome in the forum Reeds 5 years, 12 months ago
they did not do anything for me, not bad but i still like the warmth of the cane, i was tempted to try the hemp but cost hmmm
brother cavefish replied to the topic New mouth piece good but not the solution in the forum Mouthpieces 6 years ago
there is a nice Yanagisawa HR 6 for tenor
$100 on mouthpiece marketplace on facebook, i believe they have round chambers, not a bad MP i here ,inexpensive -
brother cavefish replied to the topic New mouth piece good but not the solution in the forum Mouthpieces 6 years ago
i agree dont try to sound like Johnny or anyone else ,from what i see , Johnny likes his growls and fall offs, that is a technique , but his style,, do your own sound, ,, it will happen later, and each MP and reed will change , this takes many months if not years
brother cavefish replied to the topic New mouth piece good but not the solution in the forum Mouthpieces 6 years ago
from my experiance the super tone masters are very inconsistent , most need railwork and tip work,, I had 2 sold them, they are not reed friendly nor does the reed fit the tip, . most refacers will tell you the same,, Honestly if your having MP issues this is not the best MP to start up on, there are many better to chooose from, V16 rubber are ok,…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Congested/resisting Tenor Sax in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years ago
mouthpieces are a serious deal, they make or brake the sound you want,, now that being said, will it make you better,, i think you will have a better chance of getting better, , shitty MPs and just plain shitty, as far as reeds go you will have to explore , van doran has nice reeds sax UK has a video soundclips on all their brands and others ,…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Funk rock concert E in the forum Recording Your Saxophone 6 years ago
i forget are you a tenor or alto man
brother cavefish replied to the topic Bought this Winston Soprano Saxophone from a Clarinet player….. in the forum Show Us Your Sax 6 years ago
might be a little too much reverb and echo, sometimes a good relaxed reverb is all thats needed , and can pull of an echo effect, nothing like natural reverb though
brother cavefish replied to the topic here’s how to destress yourself before playing the sax in the forum Saxophone Tips 6 years ago
well POET, the exercise could be something, did it we will see if my playing is improved , i have a headache now
brother cavefish replied to the topic To Bite or Not To Bite? in the forum Saxophone Lessons 6 years ago
well to each his own, i dont teeth all over my sax or bit my lips and i can go all over the place on the tenor sax, bend, growl, and use a 8- 10 tips,
so however it works , enjoy the music -
brother cavefish replied to the topic Witch sax in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years ago
i hear cannonballs are alright, dont know what their going for , there are plenty of good used ones out there
brother cavefish replied to the topic To Bite or Not To Bite? in the forum Saxophone Lessons 6 years ago
well personally i dont place my teeth on the MP, and it works for me , i am not bitting my upper lip either, just relaxed mouth placement
brother cavefish replied to the topic Nice Comparison and Review of Some Good Mouthpieces For Tenor – Rubber – Ebonite in the forum Mouthpieces 6 years ago
brother cavefish replied to the topic Aurus 7 – diaphragm in the forum Saxophone Tips 6 years ago
my teeth dont even touch the mouthpiece , i just bend the reed , i use wide tips
brother cavefish replied to the topic Starting to play again in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years ago
welcome to the retired world , although i am not retired yet got 10 more years, only 57,, i was going to wait but lifes too short bought my sax 2 years ago, money is made to be spent, screw waiting till retirement
brother cavefish replied to the topic Harlem nocturne in the forum General Questions 6 years ago
i tell you what ,, there are a few good versions out there juan mena and the viscounts,, i like Johnnys lower key version,, to me its more mysterious like a movie background, i think i will concentrate on that one,as a foundation and then build my own ornamentation,, every one has signature moves, you can hear Johhnnys,, you can also hear Lee…[Read more]
brother cavefish replied to the topic Little Richard Slippin' and Slidin' Sax Solo in the forum Share a Video 6 years ago
you can say that again , he was one of the kings of R and R sax
brother cavefish replied to the topic Little Richard Slippin' and Slidin' Sax Solo in the forum Share a Video 6 years ago
lee allen has a sweet style , little richard is one of my favorites
brother cavefish started the topic Harlem nocturne in the forum General Questions 6 years ago
after the 4th score i guess its called … in the beginning , g d g a b f#,, would it be better for the b to be Bb, seems a little high,, just curious Johhny, by the way thanks thats a great one and the notes are appreciated,, are they original or your compilation
brother cavefish replied to the topic taka taka tack tack in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 1 month ago
but are you have fun,, thats the ticket, for me i could not sit down nd play a song, had no patience,, so learned Hot licks, for instance splish splash has a sweet mid sax lick in the middle, i leaned that, little richard has a some sweet licks, sade too,,
brother cavefish replied to the topic taka taka tack tack in the forum Problems With Your Sax? 6 years, 1 month ago
LOL my first thought was benny hill. remember him, that dude was friggen nuts,, all aside this is good practice for “stutters” within a jamm, tongue work articulation , stopping and starting the reed vibration with the tongue instead of air , its like laying your hand on the strings of a guitar after a strumm, kills the resonance to start a new…[Read more]
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