Good song with C F G sharps
also octave key in, so ok song to practice overblow with no key in
also helps out working with the palm keys and introducing tighter embouchere for good intonation (solo)
lotsa room to breathe in this song to and pump up the diagphram
(a good ex i saw is –
ooh eeeh ahh in, 3 big breaths
blow out in 5 controlled breaths from throat)
to start this air, it falls real easy on the lips, look ma no hands
and yo great for passing note practice A to G# etc
omg its so saxually fluent and smooth raspy really takes my breath away
thoroughly recommend this song, that is if you don’t already know it
y’know as the score prints out without the heads filled in the notes / quavers etc
i colour them in with textas, G Green, A yellow, B orange, C red etc
so, it sure helps with my sight reading especially the high A C D offa the main lines
to remember the riffs i am inventing little ditties and songs / does anybody else do this?
here’s a good take anyway 4 ya – check it out, cheeky fella ‘eh
their break in the middle, modulating after the sax and before the guitar solo is a great addition to the arrangement….I thought it worked really well.