I used the coupon code and the tuturial video isn’t available. I paid the $10 and same thing. I’m not able to retrieve the video for The Wanderer Tutorial.
John may be busy on the road this day, wanderin’ around, say, lol, but you say you appled coupon code ya, viz you’re Premium Membership?
If so, click on –
“Premium Membership”, top right of main screen with orange background, next to “Sax Academy”
Song Tutorial (in blue background),
Tequila, Night Train, Surfer Girl, Moon River, Sound of Silence, Pink Panther, Blueberry Hill, The Wanderer, What i’d Say etc
Click on “GO THERE NOW” in orange font, that is being under individual song title
Itz certainly there, as a matter of fact there are several succinct tutorial lessons (three) for this particular air, (for both alto and tenor too) heya enjoy, cheers,