JOHNNY: Thanks for filming some of you guys playing, that will be a great learning tool for sure 🙂 Where do you guys tour at, mostly Canada? Are you guys going to be doing any touring now in 2016 or is it too early to know?
WAYNE: Speaking about drums, how’s it looking for you to do something with the backing track I e-mailed to you to drum with for a video collab? Thanks to Johnny’s awesome instruction, I have loads of licks/riffs I can use for that track. I was gonna have a go on it with my Alto..not too many people associate the Blues with the Alto, big mistake! We’ll be done with the arranging of the house now at the end of this month and I can pick back up on doing regular video uploads here to Johnny’s blog now in January…the Saxophone practice hasn’t stopped for me, thankfully. I would go crazy without regular practice! Let me know either yes or a no, hopefully it’s a yes! Having a drummer on there playing would be cool 🙂