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      You’ll find some new content in the Theory section. This is where we start gettin everbody to become good sight readers so check it out and get started! Videos on how I’ve been using these drum beats to help with practicing and playing in general…


        Nice one, way to go, Skipper.
        ooh yeah. #Cruisin’
        “if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. Perfect
        Like how you have put ‘recently added content’, to keep us tuned in the loop.
        It grows as it goes.

        gr8 mate, this is a very thorough grounding. We are really going places!
        Says the I Ching, to achieve one must heap up small things.

        Full steam ahead!!


          Often I can’t hear the drum. It fades into the music. I can hear Bon Jovi’s drummer



              If you listen to any band you can hear the important parts of the drum (drum beat) which is the snare that happens on the 2 and 4. The guitars tend to accentuate around this whereas the bass focuses more on the downbeat of the 1 and 3. Either way, they are both taking their cues from the drummer who is laying down the 1 and 3 with his kick drum and the 2 and 4 with his snare.

              but to do this you must count along to make sure you are counting properly to the music. This may not be so simple I suppose and so that’s why I introduced the drum beat to practice to the other day in the reading lessons… instead of a regular metronome. if you become more familiar with these drum beats it will help you in your practicing and further into listening to bands and recorded music….zero in on the beat that is. I will keep using it and hopefully it will become more apperant and clear.


                I hear the 2nd & 4th beats on “A Whiter Shade Of Pale” or is it the 1st and 3rd beats? What’s the drum story on “A Whiter Shade of Pale” ?


                  Johnny. I’m working on “A Whiter Shade of Pale”. I recorded it mucho times on GarageBand. I’ll keep recording it until I get it ready to post. I plan to use it in a video.


                    the drum beat on a Whiter Shade is just like the one used in the new counting (reading) lesson posted in the “Music Theory” section.
                    play it for a bit and count along listening to the snare ( 2 & 4) then compare it with the backing track of whiter shade.
                    besides the very clear snare sound you’ll also hear the bass guitar playing a line that lines up almost exactly the way I count out the kick drum in that reading lesson…which accents the 1 and 3 with an 8th note pick up into the 3 count


                      Thanks Johnny.I have a few songs I’m practicing like Whiter Shade, “Satisfaction” “Soul Man” and others.


                        Yo @william i found this funky beat on you tube as below & i hope it puts some colour in ya day mate 🙂
                        ps better grab Carol and ya dancing shoes

                        Hi@Johnny was talking with my naturopath friend just the other day,
                        he said why don’t i go and study music at Uni?
                        It’s obviously something i love, and he reckons mature age students do well too being with less study on their behalf
                        If i did it part time would give me something to do the next six years or so, Bachelor of Music
                        And could add 20 yrs onto my life, good for blood pressure, cardio etc
                        Could be fun i guess but upon reflection may not be my gig, i just really don’t know
                        Then i got thinking i already have your on line course as a developing education
                        I put it to you, Keymaster, you could start an on line University with your course content!!

                        How many of you other blokes might be interested?

                        Could call it Johnny’s School of Saxy Rock & Roll
                        or somethink along those lines …

                        You could break it down into Certificate levels, say
                        1 – 10, say ie Cert1 -Cert10
                        cert of tonalty, cert of improvisation etc
                        based on pre-existing course content
                        people would need to record themselves and then send in a sound sample to be graded
                        a small fee would be necessary to submit
                        probably could farm those sound samples out to more advanced students on-line here for marking
                        and pay them a stipend as you are most likely busy
                        then the student gets issued a fancy certificate signed by you to frame
                        it’s motivational and they move onto the next certificate level

                        after ten cert levels comes a diploma??
                        then you have to do songs to build up your rep, howz about calling them, “Endorsements”
                        five or so songs per endorsement graded by how hard they are to play
                        monthly competitions who has the best timbre and pizzaz as voted by their fellow students too??
                        open education
                        heck some people on here might wanna become Masters or Doctors!
                        most likely you could even get accredited with some other organizations too for validity and clout
                        not that it would really matter in any event
                        but most importantly it gives your course content a defined holistic outlook and pushes people to perform
                        they can look in the mirror and say i am relentless in my persistance
                        and see their certificates framed on the wall, mayhap it grows as it goes

                        anyways, just sayin’
                        hey it may be all to hard or little response and a minimum interest

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