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      i’m in the process of switching over from using “windows xp” Pc to using an apple mac pro. So i’m now becoming a mac user and no longer a windows user.

      I’ve got logic pro installed on my mac – does anyone use logic pro instead of garage band, and is it better than garage band?


        Sxpoet you have obviously done some research into the Mac range. Tired of Windows I was thinking about switching to Mac too. Which Mac would you consider to be of adequate performance for recording sound and video for the forum? I thought all Macs came with Garage band in a standard software configuration. It sounds like you are getting equipped to turn PRO! 😉


          Sounds like Jeremy Clarkson to me – “More Power!”


            thanks Jeff – my pc ‘xp operating system’ is so outdated i decided to swap to a mac pro. I just bought the basic 13inch model and managed to get logic pro thrown in for free even though it comes with garage band.

            i’ve just started using the Mac yesterday for the 1st time – so my mac knowledge is very limited.

            i guess if you want to video edit stuff, you would need to max out the internal ram memory for speed.

            The best thing to do is look at the software 1st before buying a Mac – the software tells you the minimum spec for the Mac. Then buy a Mac with the correct ram memory size, big enough internal hard drive, and the fastest cpu processor for video editing.

            in my case i had the internal memory doubled for logic pro and the internal hard drive doubled.

            initially looking at logic pro – looks conplicated. i guess i’ll have to get my teacher to give me a demo


              Good choice. I switched to Mac in 1999. There’s no comparison between Garage Band and Logic. Logic is a full pro recording program and will take a while to learn. Personally I have logic but don’t like it as much as Pro Tools, which is a comparable program but the one I know well and feel more comfortable with. So,. I would be able to help there but not so much with Logic.Of course, as with evrything else these days you can access plenty of youtube videos to get you started. In reality, If you’re just going to record yourself playing sax at home you really don’t need such programs unless it’s something you just want to learn and have fun with etc.


                Thanks JF – i didn’t particularly want logic Pro X, but i got it installed free with the mac laptop deal.
                I guess i could get a focusrite audi interface & cardiod AKG mike later on and have a play at recording guitar/sax/keyboard with logic Pro X.


                  Most definitely
                  To get it already installed is a big bonus
                  Apple owns it now and when I got my iMac a few years ago I had to buy logic which isn’t cheap

                  wayne wojnarowski

                    Hi guys this isn’t about recording it’s about mouthpieces, Hey sx poet I thought that guy playing on the OTTO LINK MP through the synth machine sounded pretty good before the synth was turned on LOL. VERY COOL DEVICES I have a mouthpiece that says lapped facing ?? Please define either of you Johnnie can you put out a little piece of sax through a wah wah bet that sounds unique!

                    wayne wojnarowski

                      Johnnie forgot to ask what to practice utilizing your time while developing your melodic ,rhythm and articulation all at once. Like killing two birds at once, what will get you where you want to go in a lesson format?? sx poet try taking a melody and playing it in 12 keys!


                        Wayne – i haven’t tried playing a melody in 12 keys yet. Still working on playing scales starting at different chromatic notes going up the sax (same as playing a melody in 12 different keys)

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