😎 I haven’t been on here in a couple weeks (my wife was parked at a stop sign and got hit head on by another incoming car that swerved into her lane 😯 she’s was in the hospital for a few days but back home safe and is getting lots of rest). I’m out of it for a couple of weeks and sign on to find all this FANTASTIC new Rock and Roll Saxophone Music and a great blog upload on how cool the Alto Sax is. I originally had planned to upload “Mack the Knife” this weekend but got set back a little bit, my webcam went on the glitz and stopped working, and my new toy I had coming from Masullo Music might have to be put on hold for just a few. But no worries…my wife is safe and alive. Keep all that great work going Johnny, amazing Rock and Roll songs. Really great blog upload too on how cool the Alto is; I’ve always felt that way about how some songs sound better on the Alto v.s. the Tenor; great songs like “Careless Whisper” and “Baker Street” are great examples of fantastic Alto songs I think about too.