You should be a mind reader Mel. Been feeling a bit low the last few days. I’ve aggravated an old muscle pull in my chest. The Conn is still misbehaving, its going to have to see Al tech. Yeah, I was foolishly pushing too hard trying to work out why the fork fingerings are not happening.
Its not a big thing, it happened many years back. Finishing some solo or other, I’d run out if steam. Felt the muscle tear….ouch !!!
Good to have a choice of mpcs right now. I’m using the old Berg 95\1. Its such an easy blow its unreal. Lush and phat also. I’ll use this for a week or ten days and go back to the link 8.
Sometimes, I make things so much harder for myself. Always pushing the limits to get ” that sound “.
No worries, its happened before. Thankfully I have the bari now. That helps ease off my tenor chops… Ho hum……😣