Thanks Johnny, last year i worked on technique and it’s payed off – but what really helped is your ‘Altissimo Course’ that i did years ago. Without Mastering overtones and altissimo i wouldn’t have been able to get better control of notes and improve my technique.
My teacher says most of his young students cant do altissimo, and the reason for that, is they give up too easily, it’s one of those exercises you have to keep slogging away at, and eventually you will have a break through, only if you are prepared to go the extra mile.
This year i’m working on scales, one a scale a month – learning to play it in terms of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and memorising where each number can be found on the sax. Then in what ever scale i choose to improvise in, i can jump around the numbers.
Also working on learning to play 25 tunes by ear, to help with improvising. I already know one tune by ear ‘fly me to the moon’ in C major – now that in can play three scales in terms of numbers, i’ll start to try and play ‘fly me to the moon’ in those three scales, then every month i learn a new scale, i’ll try and play it in the new scale by ear.