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      finaly managed to play a altissimo G sharp! using the vent keys


        When you say vent keys, which are those exactly?


          using the LH palm F key as a vent key , opening it a small fraction using it in conjunction with the LH b key & the RH low Bb key.


            using it as a vent key i can play E, F, Fsharp,Altissimo G & Gsharp


              On this topic nobody can argue against what works for someone else. If you hit a perfect note with a certain fingering that you found either on your own or from someone else’s fingering chart then it’s good.
              As you start to work on these high notes it’s also important to consider the note before and after for getting the smoothest transition along with the position that makes it the easiest to get the next and previous notes.
              In the charts I’m putting together you’ll see 2 possible positions for each note. You will be surprised at how much simpler these are compared to what you find on some of the charts and in your own findings…
              Although this forum is not the place for me to put fingering charts on, and since I’m putting together a full course on the subject, I will tell you a simple and effective position for the high G#: middle finger with the left hand and middle finger with the right hand. That’s it. Of course there are ways to fix any intonation problems you might have and there will be an alternate choice so you can decide which one works best for you and your sax. Again, you have to consider the fingering from the previos note, and so if you followe for example my recommendations starting from the high F#, each note following would make more sense and although not the only possibility but would be most likely the easiest.


                yeah i’m really looking forward to your course and i was just amazed that the book i’m currently reading Saxophone High Tones from which i was trying out – though not the best way, that someone with my lack of experience could actually play a few of these high notes with only 3 months playing.


                  For playing just 3 months that’s really good news! If you can really control those notes and play them in tune then you’re obviously getting the breathing and embouchure together in the right way.


                    Thanks Johnny, in the meantime i need to start learning some more new scales, so i can tackle some more of your backing tracks, currently trying out the ones in C, F & G. I find that if i try and play something that i haven’t mastered the scales in, it’s like walking around on crutches. I’ve also noticed that scales are good for tunes where the notes don’t jump around a lot, and that practing arpeggios and intervals are excellent for tunes jump about all over the place.


                      in the saxophone high tones book on page 23 using the RH high F key i’ve managed to transition up from E to altissimo A, but slightly harder going down from altissimo A to E! But i’ve hit the brick wall now, i can’t get higher than altissimo A – so Roll on your course!! Really really looking forward to it!


                        you are correct! practicing all major scales and their arpeggios is one of the best things you can do.

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