I really need a laptop. Johnny, I’ve paid for one tune twice. Save the hassle of asking for it again.
So, I’m just off to print out the sheets, and to pick up my Berg 130 from the depot. Taxes !!!
Johnny, its only ten bucks, have a cold one on me !!
Safe & Happy day all….jak
Jak, all your download links are available to you under the “Checkout” tab in the top menu.
hover over checkout then click “purchase history” and there are all the links to everything you purchased.
let me kn ow which one you’ve paid for twice and I’ll refund your paypal account.
Johnny, thanks man. I’ve been meaning to put a few $$ into the forum for a while. Now I have my tenor set up complete, I’ll be hooking up to the altissimo course pretty soon. No, keep that bud. These tracks are tremendous; least I can do. Plenty of jalapeño on the pizza….its on me !!