@ Peter: That’s exactly right and that’s how I look at it–everything we do and learn brings us 1 step closer to that level of playing we all want to get at. All of the best players in the world will tell us that they had struggles too, can’t imagine anyone not learning the Sax (or any other instrument for that matter) and not have their own struggles. The invite I got above was great timing because the Man I’m working with right now has started me on the road to playing that kind of music, it’s not complicated stuff at all, very straight forward. A lot of the articulation is played with an “attitude” and it’s real reminiscent of the swing/big band era style of playing. He was telling me back in the 1940’s that Kids were going crazy for the Bebop thing he has me working on right now, while at the same time their parents were hating it LOL I’ve already picked up some very useful tips/tricks I can use in playing the Blues too 🙂 I’ll start uploading some of this stuff shortly, just waiting for my Interface/mics to arrive from Amazon later this month.