My dentist had me in today, he said one of my crowns needed repairing & if he couldn’t do it he would take it out.
Well he took the crown off and then took out the remains of the old tooth it was attached to, & then removed the 4 roots of the old tooth! He managed to get 2 roots out in one go, couldn’t get the other 2 out together, so had to cut them apart & pull each one out separately. Thank God for injections!! The worst part is he tells me i’ll hear a crack just before each root comes out.
How did i take my mind off it while all thus was going on? I tried to imagine & picture in my mind the fingering positions off all the keys starting from the bottom.
So i started with an E flat couldn’t picture & then realised its not an Eflat but a Bflat.
Now i’m wondering how many days i’ll have to wait before i can start playing again!