well its day 18 – the 16 chromatic scales going up & down them in 16th staccato’s. I think for me thats the wall! Now i’m just going to tack them onto the daily sax practice routine. A couple more weeks then i will start lesson 2!
Hey Johnny. I have been away from my altissimo training for a bit and have no idea how I used to access the lessons! Can you email me the link again once you confirm my membership please.
Hey Johnny, this is funny but I was trying to access it but I’m having the same problem as Dazza and Jeff. I’ve previously downloaded the whole thing/video tutorials so it’s okay, but check it out when you can, no rush. Thanks 🙂
ya, I don’t know what happened but after a software update the altissimo course members somehow got de-registerted so I just spend a couple hours correcting the problem. it should all be good now. hopefully it was just that but it might be other members so heads up!