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Home Alt Forums Altissimo Course Altisimo G

  • This topic has 28 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by john.
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  • #58371
    jak Swift



        Finally i can play altissimo G. Still can’t hit it right away, but if i go from high f,then f sharp and then g it speaks every time. I guess now i’ll need some time to get used it to play it as first note. For those who can’t get it- practising overtones every single day is the key.


          hey Simon, congrats! that’s a huge step and I’m so glad you didn’t give up. it’s there for all of us, we just need to find it.
          start just going from F# to G…you should need to start with the F.


            thanks Johnny, yeah F# to G also works. Now i just need some time to get that G stronger, coz at this moment it is somehow weak.

            brother cavefish

              i am working on high A altissimo at the moment , one fingering is 2,3,4,5 with octave key, another is 2,3 side C and octave, another is 2,3 G# and octave, any other fingering let me know


                Ok, i’m stuck on that altissimo G. Can’t go higher than that and i can’t hit altissimo G in song. I can hit it right away, but when i tried to play sound of silence octave higher( second part of song like Johnny did) and i need to hit that high G, it just don’t come out of horn. Any sugestions?


                  @bc, I use your 3rd example but add right hand fingers to sharpen as needed…simply using 2,3,G# will get you that A but very flat

                  , you’re in good shape if you now can at least hit it.
                  fortunately the melody in Sound Of Silence is a perfect vehicle to practice this…
                  the G is preceded by an F#.
                  this is the easiest and best way to start getting that , sliding to it directly from the F#.
                  If you can’t hit the G from the F# then do it in reverse: hit the G, then come down to the F#.
                  so if you’re fingering the G as I show in the altissimo course you’re only changing 2 fingers because you’ll be using the forked F# fingering


                    Thanks Johnny. I can play F# and then G with no problem. And i can also play scale up to G and then down, but when i play song, well then that G don’t show up. Don’t know why. Maybe i need to practice song at slower tempo without backingtrack. And maybe from F# to G without tonguing that G.


                      well, think about this; you can play F# up to G. in the melody of Sound Of Silence, these are the exact 2 notes so you should be able to do it. maybe you’re getting tense and nervous when you’re playing the song but not when you are just practicing the scales!?

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