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  • This topic has 18 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #67750
    jak Swift

      Hmmm !! Hi Sxpoet. First thought; I agree, far too scientific for my liking. It sounds like a really old concept. Old Conn’s for example came with a Conn mpc. Probably just a ploy to get you buying the mpc made by the horn maker. That’s my thinking.
      I’m really glad you are happy with your Guardala man. Is it an original or a laser cut ? Not that it matters. So long as you are REALLY getting into it.
      Glad you enjoyed the Vito clip. Some fancy horn huh !! Did you give ” Frankenstein ” a listen ?

      jak Swift

        I’ll jump over to members downloads, give your tone a listen…..

        jak Swift

          Bit of a SoundCloud issue. The only track I could access was ” swing low “. Your sounding great man !!
          Nice tone, good intonation ; nice one !!
          Some people really don’t like metal mpcs. To me it really makes no difference. I always use a mpc patch anyhow……


            some powerful sax playing!

            I recently cleared out my uploads on sound cloud, to make room for doing more uploads (free use of soundcloud has a limit on the total time taken up by uploads). All my uploads have been short timing exercises. Theres only one sax tune left on there

            jak Swift

              OH YEAH !!! Thanks man, it really is some playing huh !!


                i just love the mouthpiece, you can play slow numbers, fast numbers, softly,
                loudly, bend notes , slow notes down, sound like different brass instruments..

                jak Swift

                  Well….stick with it Sxpoet. There is really no reason for you to change now; your whole tonal concept will just get better and better. Soon you will be playing like Edgar !!
                  I never get tired of that track. The guys intonation, matching the guitar is just great.
                  The Runyon may be here as early as tomorrow, I’ll let you know. Thanks for the clip man, Always a pleasure !!
                  Speak soon amigo, have a nice evening….




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