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Home Alt › Forums › Saxophone Lessons › No free ebook in the UK?
Hi Johnny,
Thanks for the free ebook offer, but my Kindle is registered with Amazon.co.uk. It looks like I can’t download your book.
When I go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009W457W6 I don’t see a button to send it to my Kindle, I just see a notice where that should be, that says
I found your book, “So You’ve Got a Saxophone – Now What? [Kindle Edition]” on Amazon.co.uk at http://www.amazon.co.uk/So-Youve-Got-Saxophone-ebook/dp/B009W457W6/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1351935269&sr=1-1 but it’s not free.
Incidentally, your email says the offer ends at Midnight on Sunday, but it doesn’t say which timezone you mean. Is that in your local timezone, or whichever one Amazon.com uses?
Same problem here. I hope Johnny will do something for those of us in the UK some time soon….
OK guys, got the message, just woke up here in Vancouver so I’ll look into it and get right back with some answers!
OK guys, all good to go with the free download at UK amazon. here is the page link:
Hey Johnny
It’s all sorted Thank you so much . Carol UK
Got it now. Thanks for sorting that out.
This thread seems to disappear and reappear… Maybe the forum software is a bit buggy?
Guys, ya this forum is driving me crazy with weirdness. Too buggy and so I am in the process of getting it changed over to something more stable so bear with me here.
Hi Guys..
I got mine ok but down loaded it onto my computer
Carol UK Again Many thanks Johnnie 😛
@Gristie, Yes, I’ve actually just gotten an alto and am starting to use it more within theses instructional videos. I may do a couple “extra” takes from the “Killer Blues” lessons so you can hear them on alto…it’s a great idea because I know there are probably more alto players than tenor.
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