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Home Alt Forums General Questions UK MEMBERS…TENOR WANTED !!

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    jak Swift

      OK, who’s got all the great tenors under the bed or in the closet….?? LOL !!! Seriously, and pretty obvious; as above, there’s a wedge of cash waiting for the right tenorsax. If you have one you want to sell, please let me know. Short and sweet !!
      Have a safe and happy day….jak


        if you’re buying/selling musical instruments in the Uk, you’d be better off trading on uk-ebay as there’s a far wider audience on ebay.

        jak Swift

          Yeah, that’s a good point sxpoet, and exactly what I’m doing. At least that way I get to see, check, and play the horn. Johnny’s keeping an ear open for me….thanks JF !! It means the 20% tax, and is only a maybe. Coming from Johnny, I know I’d have no issues with the tenor. All good my friend. I’m glad you didn’t quit the sax. Watercolour aside, how’s the playing man ??

          jak Swift

            I’m getting tired of this little pad, but can’t spend cash until I’ve secured the new tenorsax. Just got back from the printer. Night train, Tequila, Us & Them….finally chicken shack. All on A4…..yeah !! Looking at a Yamaha right now, but no fast moves. One time….get it right !! THEN…I can sort out a docking ” Mikita ” for the backing tracks. Again, have a great day, and any tenors for sale….??

            jak Swift

              Finally, just downloaded ” pick up the pieces “. A little confusing, I expected a complete blank BT. Obviously there is one with solo, another where the horns are there but low in the mix….that right Johnny ??? Thanks , jak


                since mid feb, i’ve only played my sax 7 times. The 1st 3 weeks it was being repaired, then when i got it back, i played for 7 days, and i had to stop playing because of an abcess on one of my gums. Then i had to wait another 2 weeks before the dentist could remove my tooth. Since then i couldn’t play until my gums healed up, then while my gums were healing, i came down with a stinking cold (everything comes in threes)

                Completely lost my mojo, feel like throwing in the towel, but the wife and kids don’t want me to pack it in, due to the 3 years of practing being a complete waste of my time. I did achieve a life long ambition, and that was to take and pass an abrsm music grade, as i never had the opportunity to do that in my teens.

                Hopely next week, i’ll be starting all over from scratch.

                Painting wise, thats a work in progress, something to get out the house with the wife and socialise with other people.

                jak Swift

                  That’s not the best run of luck mate, but look under job description of musician…..a tough ride !! Your good Lady, and the little ones were right and let’s face it;….if you sounded awful, they’d be begging you to quit lol !! My Pop was an artist. Attended the Royal Academy, 1950 \ 6. I have shelves of books he illustrated over the years. Shame I’m not a ” jazz buff “….some of his albums including the Massey Hall concert are probably worth a fortune. That’s the album where Bird was name checked as ” Charlie Chan “. I intended to get in s last half hour of overtones, but I’m good to go. Touch wood, the tenor is sorted. Never thought I’d go for a Yamaha. A 52. Retails at roughly 1600 ( pounds );….950 at six months old and unused. When things pick up, I’ll be back into my curious fifties tenors, but for now I need a solid workhorse. Where are you man ? ( if you’d rather not say, that’s cool )…just you mentioned socializing. You are very welcome to visit Liverpool any time. Stay over, and we can iron out any problems your having, if any.
                  Thanks for the links man. I WAS having an uphill struggle, but thankfully things are very much on the up, apart from being asked to play ” At Last ” at a wedding. Barf….lol !! Anyhow, gotta change, gotta fly. Take it easy….best….jak


                    i hail from nottingham, and this is my sax teacher, great guy

                    I only play sax for personal pleasure, not interested in playing gigs, clubs, pubs etc.. too old for that hassle mate.

                    here’s Paul playing hey jude in the room i have lessons in

                    i’ve heard him play this in his room, and sounds exactly the same in real life.

                    jak Swift

                      I mentioned this in another post. He’s a great player sxpoet….keep at it amigo !!

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