I made up a Blues Ballad and used Garage Band’s Loops. This is my first recording with my new MB11 mouthpiece. The video shows my room setup for practice and recording. I call this recording, “Blues In The Back Room”. https://youtu.be/Tlc3fOTzycg
wow – i get the feeling i’m in a hot climate, some wind chimes are blowing near an open door, i’m sitting in a chair at a table drinking a beer, looking out and seeing nothing but heat and dust. peace.
Re: the pop filter: When I put the horn about 36 inches from the mic the sound had no buzz. When I put the horn near the mic I got a nice buzz and also a bit of wind sound. So with the pop filter I got a nice all around horn buzz with some edge and NO wind noise like a vocalist might get when singing close to the mic.
Thanks Johnny. I noticed that when recording into garage band with a backing track the horn sounds a bit weak and dull, but when I record into garage band with no backing track other than the Loops provided by Garage Band I get a better sound from the horn. I was in a relaxed mode. I’ll try more of those garage band loops and make up songs as I go.
William – thanks for the info about recording setup, i have very limited experience in recording, and am open minded to trying out what other people do.